Letter: Columbus needs return to statesmanship, civility

From: Jim Murray


I am not a Columbus native but have lived and worked here for the past 24 years.

I have served as the director of the Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District, working for Mayors Bob Stewart, Fred Armstrong and Kristen Brown. When I arrived in 1990, I inherited a file cabinet and desk in Technical Code Enforcement, a landfill that was nearly a land full, and no recycling, reuse or reduction efforts.

With the guidance of Stewart and Armstrong (and the rest of my board of directors), we sited a new landfill, built a recycling center and developed cost-effective programs of waste reduction, reuse and recycling.

Very early in her tenure Brown attended most of our monthly district board meetings. Rather than attending with the intent of learning, she wanted to tear apart that which we had so painstakingly crafted — without the benefit of any historic knowledge or knowledge of our mission and the industry that surrounds it. For the past year and a half Brown has since failed to attend a district board meeting.

We need leadership by example and a return to statesmanship and civility. We need Jim Lienhoop for our next mayor.