Letter: Health care philosophy like light in darkness

From: Nancy Warren


In times of darkness and ridden with a sense of hopelessness regarding a humanity that can kill and maim other human beings at will, even a small glimmer of light that speaks of caring, courage and intelligence is enough to give us hope for humanity’s future.

The Jennings County article on health care by Cecelia Ellis in Sunday’s Republic caught and held my attention. It was like a light appearing in the sometimes murky philosophy of health care. Imagine doctors and hospitals in agreement to allow people to actually have a voice and be a partner in their health care. And it saves money for the patient, it saves time for the doctor, and it saves paperwork for the hospital.

Granted, it’s a small voice in its beginning, but allowing people to have direct access to the St. Vincent Jennings Hospital lab for tests formerly available only by a doctor’s order is the beginning of people taking responsibility for their well-being and of feeling significant in the partnership with their doctor.

I applaud this direct testing in the Wellness Program of St. Vincent Jennings Hospital and all that it promises. As Terri Everage, hospital spokeswoman, says in the article, “It is designed to enable patients more direct involvement and accountability in their own health care.”