Letter: Michael Zieles

From: Michael Zieles


As a freedom-based society, we should drop all manner of special classes of citizens. Where natural distinctions are present of race, ethnicity, gender, disability and age, your personal convictions of identity or values cannot be forced upon others in any aspect of a free and open religious society. The call for a special LGBT class of citizen (with heavy civil fines) will create with that act the opposite of real freedom of religion. For example consider the following:

In my city, there is an Orthodox Jewish religious member who starts a business, a butcher shop and delicatessen. Now my manner of subjective beliefs in food do not translate to their specific full religious prescriptions, and they have entered this food business. When I ask for a ham and cheese sandwich at the delicatessen, what is the owner proprietor to do? I demand that my less strict subjective beliefs be adhered to, because that is my one and only favorite meal. When I get a corned beef with cheese and dressing on the side, should I demand my views be met and make the sandwich right and storm down to the human rights commission and demand that they serve me as I want and be paid back for their “inconsiderate view” of what foods I can combine? No, you say. But now consider this a little more, adding my religious belief, if I have a religious practice that I have my Easter ham and want it to be prepared by that shop. Well, again, I run and complain, and you’d say no.

In either situation you would find that there are probably more sources for my religious and basic needs to be met. They should be allowed not to celebrate, or not condone, my subjective views, or practices of truth. And they did serve my basic needs. The letter in The Republic on Nov. 28 would like none other than to have the opposite win, such that a certain special class of citizens can force out of the community those which they disagree with. This change is not tolerant of religious freedom. You cannot take sides based on what values are considered, that you want to win, (or whom you see as an underdog) or your prejudice is showing. Please call your representatives and the governor and demand that RFRA not be destroyed by this tactic. Anyone can receive basic supportive goods and services in common prescription of the proprietor. It should be such that every Indiana citizen can change and support their religious practices.

However, where forced collective government or businesses are concerned, they cannot dismiss people because of not condoning or proclaiming house rules on non-fundamental to the business over an employee’s religion. And in any case no dismissal if that person has mortal supportive beliefs (i.e., pro-life). For that circumstance profoundly violates all manner of natural law on life and freedom.