Sexual assault prevention speaker coming to IUPUC

The IUPUC Excellence in Leadership Initiative is sponsoring the national No-Yes program presented by Katie Koestner, a sexual assault prevention activist, at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at IUPUC.

Koestner will present her personal story during a free event at the Lecture Hall in the Columbus Learning Center.

The No-Yes program provides facts, statistics, realism and thought-provoking challenges about relationships, respect, alcohol and decision-making. Those who attend will learn about sexual assault prevention and risk reduction, including ways for individuals to be part of ending sexual violence in their communities.

Koestner has been a leader in the movement to end sexual violence since she spoke at nationally at age 18 as a survivor of date rape. She appeared on the cover of Time magazine and worked with HBO to make a documentary about her story. She has appeared on about 50 national television broadcasts and spoken at more than 2,000 colleges and schools.