Letter: Woodcock top pick for county coummissioner

From: Pat Wilson


I want to thank the Sierra Club and Rotary Club for hosting at least three candidate forums during this local election campaign season. The people serving in local offices make decisions every day on behalf of the residents of Bartholomew County. The forums give voters the opportunity to compare the candidates’ positions and judgment and select those that they believe best represent their interests.

I also want to thank the candidates for coroner, county council at-large and county commissioner for putting their names on the ballot and running respectful and aggressive campaigns.

It is disappointing, however, that Commissioner Rick Flohr’s schedule has prevented him from attending the last two forums. His opponent, Brad Woodcock, did show up, which should be a clear indication that he will continue to show up on behalf of Bartholomew County residents. I’ve voted for Brad for county commissioner and encourage everyone to do so as well.