Senior profile

Daniel Kuhlman

» Age: 18

» School: Columbus East High School

» Who are your parents, grandparents and siblings?

Parents: Dave and Cindy Kuhlman

Siblings: Ben, JT and Rachel

Grandparents: Billy and Betty Barker and the late Dan and Carol Kuhlman

» Which elementary and middle school/junior high did you attend?

St. Peters Lutheran School (K to 8), East High School (9 to 12)

» What’s your favorite class or part of the school day?

Math, because math is my best subject.

» In which extracurricular activities do you participate?

East golf (freshman and senior year), East tennis (freshman through senior year), National Honor Society and Bartholomew County Youth Leadership.

» When you’re not in school, where’s your favorite place to be and why?

Tennis court or golf course

» What has been your greatest high school memory so far and why?

Hanging out with friends at sports games

» What are you looking forward to after graduation?

Going to college at the University of Louisville to meet new friends and begin studying chemical engineering

» Who in your life has inspired you or whom do you look up to and why?

My dad has inspired me by being a good role model with his work ethic and encouraging me to succeed in all areas of life.

Additional message:

Always try to do the best possible in classes.