Letter: Probe of Russian election interference warranted

From: Doug Logan


I must disagree with the recent letter writer who dismisses the investigation of Russian interference in last year’s presidential election. The search for truth in this story is not sour grapes over a lost election.

As a candidate, Donald Trump surrounded himself with people who had relationships with Russian business and government interests. Many of those people were, to put it mildly, less than completely honest about the relationships. Donald Trump Jr., by his own admission, eagerly sought discrediting information about the Clinton campaign described as coming from Russian government sources. Others, including the president’s son-in-law and the attorney general of the United States, failed to disclose meetings with Russian figures until forced to revise their sworn testimony or security clearance forms.

Forty-five years ago, despite his claim that he was “not a crook,” President Richard Nixon’s obstruction of justice brought him down. Just like that earlier time, the American people need to know what is at the bottom of this scandal.