Letter: Sheriff’s office, FBI, others failed in Florida school shooting

From: Terry Brock


As a father who has lost a son, I can relate to the pain and agony of those suffering in the aftermath of the recent Florida killings. However, I am extremely angry with the master manipulators who use our children as pawns in their misguided political agendas.

As an information systems professional and business process consultant, I fail to see how one can connect President Trump and the National Rifle Association to this tragedy. Rather my research shows that those who have blood on their hands is the sheriff’s office that chose not recommend charges to the prosecutor against Mr. Cruz which could have prevented him from purchasing firearms, and their failure to follow active shooter protocol, which may have reduced the number of fatalities and injuries.

Next, the FBI failed miserably when presented with information and warnings of an evolving active shooter scenario.

And lastly, social workers, mental health counselors and school administrators — the front line of defense for many young adults — who documented and dismissed red flags during home visits and school evaluations. What I see is self-serving elites deflecting scrutiny by exploiting innocent young people.

I would welcome the opportunity to have a further discussion with a reporter, law enforcement, educators and political representatives to review what industry tools may be appropriate to ensure quality outcomes in public safety endeavors.