Letter: Philharmonic great asset for Columbus

From: Frank McCullough


When my wife and I moved to Columbus in 2001, we purchased season tickets to the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic concerts and renewed each season. Through the years, I have appreciated the quality of the musicians and the programming.

David Bowden plans the programs years in advance. He supplements the program notes with information during the “Musically Speaking” sessions before each concert and from the podium during the concert. We come away with an educational experience.

The concert April 7 was exceptional. Along with the orchestra were the CIP chorus and ensembles from Anderson University, which were positioned to sing antiphonally. The works by Brahms are very demanding of the musicians and conductor. There were more than 140 voices in the two choirs. Keeping it all together was a monumental task. Bowden skillfully did so.

I am not a music critic, so I will not try to comment on the Brahms works that were presented. I know only what I enjoy, and I ecstatically enjoyed the performances. The last of the three Brahms was titled, (English translation) “Song of Triumph.” It is based on quotations from Revelation 19, as is “The Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah.” It was “Wow!” After the intermission, the ever-popular Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 was almost anticlimactic. What a gift to our community.

Our CIP is great. I am thankful to live in a community where I can enjoy this quality of music. I encourage all who have not attended a CIP concert to try it and decide for yourself if this is for you.

After the April 7 concert, I wonder how Bowden can top it. I’m sure he is already working on it.