Around Town – September 22

Orchids to …

• Gordon Starr for his letter to the editor.

• people showing respect and good health practices by wearing masks.

• the very successful suffrage car parade, a partnership between the Centennial Suffrage Society and IUPUC.

• the beautiful celebration of the 19th Amendment on Saturday.

• Senators Murkowski and Collins for demonstrating courage by opposing a Supreme Court appointment before the election.

• President Trump for signing the most significant justice reform legislation in many years, the First Step Act.

• Shalee Darringer for her push to get the Crump Theater renovated.

• those who respect veterans by standing for the American flag and singing of the national anthem.

• the musicians at First Christian Church for some of the best music ever on Sunday.

Onions to …

• the federal elected official using taxpayer money to defend himself against sexual assault charges.

• people who don’t realize there is nothing courageous about disrespecting the flag.

• anonymous sources that cannot be verified and must be treated as lies.

• so much illogical misinformation about the virus that it’s hard to buy into the mask mandate.

• the political party for undermining our nation and trying to destroy our way of life.

• the disgraceful leader for having no sense of fair play in the selection of a Supreme Court justice or anything else.

• people who choose to remain ignorant of Crossfire Hurricane.

• the business owner who does not wear a mask, putting his customers at risk and being a horrible example to employees.

• the decline of journalistic integrity.

• the big box store that had only one cash line open — again.

• the leader for pushing to get a justice nominated with only 45 days before an election when he was adamant in 2016 it was inappropriate.

• those wearing a mask but not covering their noses.

• anyone who believes that spying on the political party is a conspiracy theory when it has been proven by two independent investigations.

• not replacing the light at the corner of Ross and McKinley for a very long time.

• those who believe scientists, scholars, teachers, economists and journalists devote their lives to misleading you, but believe the words of a reality TV con man.

• to anyone who kneels for the national anthem.

• to the federal official having no sense of fair play in selecting a Supreme Court justice.

• paying $70,000 for a no-competitive-bid golf study.

• students being used unwittingly to help get a building ready for demolition.

• the religious community flexing their political muscle to proceed with a parking lot to the detriment of the downtown area.

• approaching 200,000 dead from COVID-19 and the federal elected official continues to say the virus will just go away.

• the local political party for turning down participating in celebrating the 19th amendment.

• people not wearing masks into restaurants/businesses and the restaurants/businesses not enforcing the statewide mask mandate!

• the candidate whose mental acuity and ability to handle pressure has been questioned.

• the federal elected official retweeting Russian propaganda.

• the federal elected official who lied under oath to federal investigators.

• people who think my backyard is a free space where they can set up their lawn chairs to watch a tennis match.

• those who decided to cancel the national POW/MIA Recognition Day.

• the neighbors who never feed, play, or care for their dog or buy him a new collar.

• the town that says it will not be putting down speed bumps to slow drivers.

• false political ads that say politicians are going to keep pre-existing condition coverage when there is no law if the Affordable Care Act is overturned.

• the candidate and his leftist policy agenda towards socialism.

• the letter writer basing an entire letter on intuition.

• those who can’t distinguish veteran’s patriotism from racial intolerance.

Happy Birthday to …

• Charlotte Hadley from your family and Donna.

• David T. Chadd, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

• Laurel Weddle, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

• John Buchta, from Cindy and Jarod and all your family.

• Gracie Douglas, from Pastor Marvin Brown.

• John Buchta, happy birthday Dad, from Jarod.

• my sweet daughter Karen Fox-Thompson, from your family and Mom.

Happy Birthday to …

• Mark Hatfield, the love of my life, on No. 60, from Jan.

Happy Anniversary to …

• Andrew and Sarah Potts-Speer, from all their Bartholomew County friends.

• Greg and Dani Drysdale, on No. 8, from Xavior, Kambry and all your family.

• Mary and Dan Greene, from Lisa and Greg.

ANOTHER beautiful morning