Letter: Hamilton snubbed veterans as well as Pence

Singer snubbed veterans, Pence

From: William F. McCullough


As a Korean War veteran, having served four years active duty in the U.S. Navy, I deeply appreciate all the effort that goes into the annual Salute program. I am grateful to Harry McCawley, David Bowden, Alice Curry and others who initiated this event. When Kate Hamilton chose to snub Gov. Mike Pence and his godly principles by dropping out so abruptly, she was also snubbing us veterans and active military personnel. One wonders what was her motive when she initially agreed to be on the program. It must not have been to participate in honoring the military and veterans, which is the purpose of the event.

What we as people think about the controversial issues is of no importance. The only thing that matters is what God has already said in his holy word. God calls homosexuality an abomination. Taking a human life is murder. The one performing an abortion is guilty of murder in the first degree, premeditated. The one seeking the abortion is a willing accomplice. Her statement that she believes a woman should have sovereignty over her body is fine. What she means is not. Every cell in a human body contains the same DNA. If the child she carries is a part of her body, then every cell in its body should have the same DNA as hers. Since the child is the product of the combination of the father’s and the mother’s reproductive cells, they each pass to the child their genes that are then combined, with some being dominant and producing those traits in the child. Often, a child’s genetic makeup makes it incompatible as a blood donor or organ donor for the mother or father.

Abortion has never been legalized. In a 5-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, five voted to declare the existing laws prohibiting abortion unconstitutional. This is not the same as legalizing it. Judicial precedent is wrong. If a mistake was made, it should be corrected. The five who were the majority have all faced the supreme judge of the universe and have learned what his decision is. Years ago, J. Edgar Hoover is quoted as saying that the ACLU is a greater threat to American liberty than communism. He was right.

My wife and I have been season ticket holders for the philharmonic concerts since we first moved to Columbus 15 years ago. We support the Salute concert. I hope the philharmonic board and staff will remember this snub only a week before the event, putting the staff in the position of finding a replacement on such short notice. If they ever schedule Ms. Hamilton for another event, I will be disappointed and certainly will not attend.