Orchids to …
• people who understand America was founded by immigrants fleeing religious persecution.
• Jaime at Tri-State Artisans for donating her time to Turning Point at our recent Wine and Canvas Fundraiser, from Turning Point.
• all the Wine and Canvas attendees on Jan. 29 who, through their attendance, supported Turning Point programs, from Turning Point.
• Columbus Regional Hospital’s emergency department, cardiology team and the doctors and nurses of 2 Tower and ICU for saving my life on numerous occasions during my eight-day hospitalization, from Heather C.
• Arby’s on State Road 46 for giving us some roast beef for our dog.
• the Jay C store on State Road 46 for having the best meat department in Columbus, Indiana.
• Anita House and Shelby House for taking me to King Fish for my birthday, from Linda Bell.
• family and friends who shared special memories at our golden 50th anniversary at Hope Community Church Fellowship Hall Sunday and to our children for organizing this special event, from Ray and Joyce Cobb.
Onions to …
• businesses that need to drug test certain employees but don’t.
• management that does a lot for certain employees and doesn’t care about others.
• the owner of burned property who has let it become an eyesore.
• the city of Columbus for becoming so dependent on exports.
• whomever thought it was a good idea to build a roundabout on a state highway out in the country.
• people who fail to realize that in order for Americans to have the same health care as other nations, we would be taxed heavily like those other nations.
• the woman at the local grocery story who was disruptive and rude trying to get other customers to let her go in front of them.
• The Republic for omitting Terrace Lake Road from my onion about tailgating, as it was necessary to my point.
• those who don’t realize an election was held and politeness and courtesy lost.
• employees who don’t grasp the concept that if you have time to lean, you have time to clean.
• the homeowner who is flying the American flag upside down in protest of our elected president, as it is a disrespectful way to fly the flag.
Happy Birthday to …
• Jacob Anderson, from Mrs. Erickson.
• Lottie Kildren on No. 90, with love from your kids and grandkids.
• Barbara Hjelter, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.
• Mary Scheidt, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Barb Hjelter.
• Hope Bailey.
• Nicole Bontrager.
• Randy Snyder, from Mom, Rhonda, Jack, Emily, Zoe and Cody.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Chris and Bill Lazzell on No. 32.