From: Brian Vukadinovich
President Donald Trump’s appointment of Thomas E. Wheeler II, who was Vice President Mike Pence’s former general counsel when he was governor of Indiana, to the position of acting head of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice is an affront to the concept of civil rights in our country. The head of the Civil Rights Division of our country should be working to advance criminal justice reform and constitutional policy protecting peoples’ rights and combating discrimination.
Thomas E. Wheeler devoted his career as an attorney doing just the opposite as he time and time again represented corporations and governmental entities in defending them against peoples’ civil rights claims. He chose to make a living doing just that. He is the last person on the planet that should now be leading the very office of our country that is supposed to be protecting the civil rights of our people.
When Trump ran for president he said he was going to drain the swamp. Trump just infested the swamp.