Orchids to …
• Cummins Inc. for the extraordinary and ongoing support of Columbus and south central Indiana.
• Jalil Dawood for the column “Keeping U.S. Safe” and for bringing information to our community.
• all the QMIX firework spectators that parked along our facility off Middle Road for not leaving any trash along the cul-de-sac because it is greatly appreciated, from Creative Tool & Machining Inc.
• Grant Voelz at Voelz Body Shop for the terrific, speedy service with a smile, from Sherry.
• the great leadership exhibited by Mayor Lienhoop, Cummins and the governor in creating a solution meeting the challenges of increased railroad traffic.
• the front office ladies at Doctors Park Family Medicine for their incredibly positive attitudes.
• Aaron and Wendy Joslin for having another wonderful Fourth of July party, from family and friends.
• Jalil Dawood, a former refugee from Iraq, for stating how important the travel ban is from certain countries, from someone who agrees.
• the new owners of Columbus Fit for the updates they are working on and the upbeat atmosphere in which our community can exercise in.
• Mayor Jim Lienhoop and Cummins for showing tremendous leadership and demonstrating how public-private partnerships in the Columbus Way can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
• Brian and Brad Bennett of Country Chevrolet in North Vernon, for all your kindness and the great deal that you gave me on my truck, from Lisa.
• the gentleman on the tricycle in Clifford who gave us delicious cucumbers, from Joyce and Evelyn Blackburn.
Onions to …
• the town of Hope, which doesn’t realize people on a fixed income drawing Social Security cannot afford the increase in bills to fund its toys.
• poorly informed people who think that a Confederate flag has anything to do with the Declaration of Independence.
• those who did not clean up after the People Trail and parking lots were left a mess by people who watched the fireworks.
• the city of Columbus for repaving roads with little traffic at the airport yet leaving the majorly traveled roads in poor shape.
• neighbors who continue to shoot off fireworks after the Fourth of July.
• people who voted for this new gas tax, which requires us to pay double, when we already had a gas tax in place that was misused.
• those who trade in innuendo and character assassination about good people providing leadership to our community and a solution to the increased rail traffic.
Happy Birthday to …
• Nancy Patrick, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Rosemary Snider, from Mary and Elsie.
• Casen Thomas Martin.
• Betty Simmons-Garrett.
• Xavier Martin.
• Jessica O’Neil, from Brad.