Letter: Set up process to detect mental health issues early

From: Barbara Purtlebaugh


There are lots of kids that attend school that are depressed and maybe have other psychological issues that go unnoticed. Maybe both parents work, as most do, and haven’t noticed the depression and withdrawal.

I think the gun situation stems from some form of mental health issues. People who are happy, motivated and healthy are not going to abuse the use of guns to kill people. It all stems from undetected mental health issues.

Not everyone can afford mental health care or just don’t want to take time to seek help for their children, or maybe they feel like it’s degrading to seek help for depression or mental health issues.

We pay taxes in Columbus, some of which are pointless for things we really don’t need. We need to have a mental health facility totally free for kids and adults who need it, along with a long-term free drug care center. The money wasted in Columbus would sponsor a lot of this instead of always trying to redecorate the city with unneeded things that are cosmetic.

Our youth need to feel there is help and a place to go for that healthcare when needed without all the paperwork about income, etc. I also believe it would help to have a small questionnaire about feelings filled out at the beginning of a school year for each student -– a simple form.

Maybe this would detect the depression in some children that otherwise might not be detected, just some small way to help kids out that need help. A lot of kids are withdrawing and are usually considered shy. This is not always the case.

Every individual has a different personality. We need to help our youth. This form would help some kids who feel lost and afraid to speak up, and maybe even help with bullying. A question can be put on there about that.

Any small detection can help us to understand our children better. Some are afraid to speak up. Putting things on paper can sometimes open up a child’s emotions where they feel free to speak. This is a small form every child should be able to fill out when entering school. No one is being singled out -– just a form all kids to fill out.

I’m not perfect. I’ve had counseling and not ashamed of it. It’s very beneficial and helps you to release feelings that are buried. I’m not writing to condemn or find fault, but just to offer some healthy suggestions to help kids who are caught in the middle and afraid to speak.

It would be beneficial to have forms filed for different age levels with the appropriate questions, and also for new students transferring from other schools. Maybe we can save one child or adult from feeling no one cares. They need to be made to feel society cares and will help them.