FFY growth positive sign for community

Sometimes, setting a record is a good thing. For example, Foundation for Youth in Columbus served 7,646 children in its programs last year — more than ever before.

That number was shared at its annual meeting last month and speaks to the growth that the organization has had, and how it is valued in the community as a resource for children.

FFY has been in existence for decades, but obviously it has not lost its appeal to families who look for ways to engage their children through activities. Whether with after-school activities, athletics or other programs, the organization serves more and more children.

For example, the average daily attendance for the Boys & Girls Club — which is just one part of FFY — grew from 152 in 2016 to 182 last year. So far in the first four months of 2018, average daily attendance has grown to 215. That shows that children and parents find the club fun and worthwhile.

What makes that growth possible, though, is strong volunteer support. FFY had more than 4,500 volunteers last year contributing 34,734 hours — a financial impact of $812,080. Without robust volunteer assistance, programs would lack the people needed to make them possible for the children. However, residents see the need for help and feel the cause is worth their donation of time.

It’s encouraging to see how FFY continues to grow in its service to children and how residents respond to the need for assistance. Children have good opportunities to further their passions or discover new interests, and the community’s support ensures the organization remains an important resource.