Letter: Flohr won’t disappoint as District 59 rep

From: Jodi Wright


I have known JoAnne (Jo) Flohr since our high school days. I was very excited to hear that Jo has stepped up and wants to be our state representative for District 59.

Jo has always been a champion for what is right and, most importantly, what is fair for all parties involved. Her compassion for our community is unwavering. Jo was 5 years old when her family settled in Columbus. She married her high school sweetheart and raised her family in our community. I believe that Jo will work diligently to keep Indiana on the right track while considering what the best track is for her fellow Bartholomew County residents. JoAnne Flohr will fight her greatest fight for jobs and economic growth and educational excellence. The topics and concerns of each of us are also her concerns.

Jo is pro-life, pro-Second amendment candidate. JoAnne Flohr is the right person to be our next state representative. She is a conservative Republican. Jo Will be an honorable leader for our community. Jo will protect our values and our freedoms.

Go with Jo. She won’t let us down.