Letter: Reclaim democratic institutions with elections

From: Emery Sheffield


Other than salacious bits of information about our president, what has the Republîcan-controlled Congress done?

The Republican Congress has passed the tax reform bill that has given to the most wealthy and given to me $1.20 for a few years and then the tax benefit is gone. The benefit for the most wealthy will continue after my few dollars of benefit are gone.

What about infrastructure bills? That would seem to be ideas that the two parties would be able to focus on together. Would dollars from the state and the federal government give us funds to build an overpass at highway 11 and highway 46 with the increase of train traffic?

But, no! Congress is not functioning. The committees that oversee the the executive are not functioning either. It seems to be all about Mr. Trump.

So, I suggest that we forgo Mr. Trump. We will vote in November and hopefully we will take our democratic institutions back. We will continue to hope that the departments of Justice and the FBI will continue to be apart from the president.

Did you ever wonder when George Bush was president, or when Mr. Clinton was president, if they were attempting to override our principals and become dictator? Now, we should care about the imperial Trump presidency.

If you care about truth you must disallow all that Trump says.