‘Uncommon Cause’ arts fundraiser set for Aug. 25

The upcoming Uncommon Cause arts fundraiser literally will live up to its billing of “Making the Arts.”

Brown County textile artist Daren Redman will help attendees create small art works during the Aug. 25 event at Harrison Lake Country Club in Columbus.

For a $10 donation, Redman will help guests create dyed silk pocket squares and scarves at the gathering, which has a new venue and a new date on the local social calendar.

Uncommon Cause has been moved up from a traditional October date to better avoid conflicts with a flurry of other arts-related fall events in the fall, said Kathryn Armstrong, executive director of the Columbus Area Arts Council, the nonprofit agency that benefits from the fundraiser.

Last year’s event at the Columbus Learning Center netted $110,000, its second-best total, according to existing records.

Tickets for this year’s fundraiser, priced at $100 apiece, recently went on sale.

For more on this story, see Wednesday’s Republic.