Letter: Mueller investigation doing what needs done

From: Doug Logan


Pay no attention to the man beneath the hairdo! Robert Mueller’s investigation is doing exactly what needs to be done, and he’s doing a very good job of it.

The special counsel has brought two dozen indictments against foreign corporations and individuals, and far too many American citizens. Remember, too, that several have accepted deals and pleaded guilty.

One guilty plea is from the man President Donald Trump chose for his national security adviser. Another was from the campaign foreign policy adviser, who started the whole shebang when he got drunk and blabbed to a diplomat. Far from being a mere coffee boy, George Papadopolous was photographed at the grownups’ table, halfway between Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The real puzzler is how Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner have, so far anyway, dodged the consequences. Young Don, remember, made a public admission that he set up the notorious meeting with an agent offering dirt on the opposing candidate, to be provided by the Russian government. Nobody can tell us that was not collusion.

This investigation must not end until it gets to the truth and all of the guilty face justice.