Grand Champion: Mike Marsh
Reserve Grand Champion: Wendy Brougher
Champion: Phyllis Apple, Leah Elkins, Morgan Elkins, Jean Fiesbeck, Bryan Schroer
Reserve Champion: Clarence Fiesbeck, Sandra Fleetwood, Mary Jane Hoeltke, Beau Keffaber, Mary Jane Hoeltke, Jim Loesch, Eileen Robertson, Mary Lou Wessel, Beth West
Blue Star: Susan Arnholt, Charlotte Elkins, Judy John, Joyce Jones, Jim Loesch, Sherry Schneider, Kristin Whittington
Blue: Doug Brougher, Roseanne Gordon, Jay Heath, Elsie Hege, Teresa Heitman, Janice Hoevener, Jed Keffaber, Kreigh Keffaber, Penny Jacobus, Nancy Kistler, Tim Loesch, Bev Marsh, Marci McCauley, Tim McNealy, Betty McQueen, Diana Meeks, Joyce Meier, Don Schroer, Claudia Shafer, Kari Spurgeon, Nancy Wagner, Charles Whittington, Greg Wilkerson
Grand Champion: Lisa Combs
Reserve Grand Champion: Roberta Parmerle
Reserve Champion: Haley Cooper
Grand Champion: Kyra Jessie
Champion: Alyson Dunfee, Caroline Tuell
Reserve Champion: Wendy Brougher
Blue: Theresa Downey
Grand Champion: Donna Gordon
Reserve Grand Champion: Kathleen Stier
Champion: Grace Burbrink, Linda Carothers, Nancy Mahoney, Dolores Rettig, Elly Rutan
Reserve Champion: Jo Childs, Sally Fiesbeck
Blue: Katrina Brumley, Josie Burbrink, Theresa Downey, Wanda Engelau, Donna Gordon, Linda McNealy, Bonita Records, Danyel Roxbury, Tim Whipker
Red: Gwen Amos, Sandra Fleetwood, Jenny Frasier
Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion: Janice Hoeltke
Blue Star: Mackenzie Smith
Blue: Joetta Deckard-Spray, Joyce Jones, Lilly Tuell
Christmas at the Fair
Grand Champion: Jennifer Speer
Reserve Grand Champion: Jennie Loyd
Champion: Joetta Deckard-Spray, Theresa Downey, Donna Glick, Andy Keffaber, Charity Keffaber, Kreigh Keffaber, Dena Schafstall
Reserve Champion: Cinda Bonner, Carol Burton, Sara Glick, Wil Harner, Annette Heath, Jed Keffaber, Brenda Showalter
Blue Star: Sheila Downey, Eric Harner, Kathy Harner, Madelyn Streeval, Stella Streeval
Blue: Abby Beck, Ruth Beck, Charlotte Elkins, Morgan Elkins, Joyce Jones, Jackie Speaker, Marlene Strietelmeier
Grand Champion: Kurt Carlsen
Reserve Grand Champion: Jean Fiesbeck
Reserve Champion: Jim Loesch, Jacqueline Speaker
Blue Star: Liz Burbrink, Jo Childs,Joetta Deckard-Spray, Clarence Fiesbeck, Annette Heath, Teresa Heitman, Penny Jacobus, Gayle Loesch, Joyce Meier, Demi Oakes, Nancy Wagner
Blue: Wendy Brougher, Kathy Bush, Joe Bush, Leah Elkins, Marge Evans, Max Jacobus, Joyce Jones, Sherry Schneider, Carolyn Schroer, Sally Scrogham, Sheila Shaffer, Jackie Speaker, Kari Spurgeon, Stella Streeval
Grand Champion: Megan Mathews
Reserve Grand Champion: Alyson Dunfee
Champion: Linda Bennett, Jennie Chrisman, Penny Jacobus, Carolyn Souza, Lilly Tuell
Reserve Champion: Jayla Fiesbeck, Sadie Fiesbeck, Carol Gross, Bev Pence
Blue Star: Jo Childs, Janet Clouse
Blue: Jennie Chrisman, Wanda DeWeese, Sandy Finkel, Sharon Tobias, Caroline Tuell
Red: Briana Bonnell, Margaret Volland
Grand Champion: Tonya McLoed
Reserve Grand Champion: Delores Rettig
Champion: Kathy Ames, Ava June Burbrink, Julie Bradley, Zane Daugherty, Joyetta Deckard-Spray, Gayle Eiler, Penny Jacobus, Emma Long, Rosemary Neff, Linda Steele, Stella Streeval
Reserve Champion: Annette Heath, Lisa Keefe, Jennie Loyd, Cheyenne Lund, Chaz Painter, Madelyn Streeval
Blue Star: Dan Arnholt, Joe-D Baxter, Karen Bush, Jason McCarney, Dinah McCartney, Nancy Meyer, Vicki Murphy, Dena Schafstall, Sherry Schneider, Stella Streeval, Leigh Vandergriff
Blue: Sarah Beck, Marilyn Brown, Marnie Carr, Karen Debrinski, Charlotte Elkins, Sandra Fleetwood, Connie Frazier, Sande Hummel, Melissa Johnson, Joyce Jones, Jed Keffaber, Kreigh Keffaber, Sigel Marcum, Marci McCauley, Breanna McClain, Diane Meier, Katie Menefee, Olive Records, Madison Valentine, Lowe Vandergriff
Grand Champion: Jackie Lane
Reserve Grand Champion: Amy Kilby
Champion: Cinda Bonner, Vicki Hall, Joyce Jones, Amy Kilby, Karen Loy, Dean Myers, Lisa Romine, Marie Tompkins, Molly Widdifield
Reserve Champion: Barbra Brown,
Blue: Lisa Keefe, Dean Myers, Tiffany Pulkowski, Marie Tompkins
Decorated Cakes
Grand Champion: Jacob Burbrink
Reserve Grand Champion: Jayla Fiesbeck
Champion: Carol Gross
Reserve Champion: Ellie Burbrink
Blue: Caroline Tuell
Blue: Cheyenne Lund, Shelby Roe
Dried Foods
Grand Champion: Charlotte Elkins
Reserve Grand Champion: Jane Morris
Eighty and Over
Grand Champion: Norval Fischvogt
Reserve Grand Champion: Mildred Caffee
Champion: Ferrell Armstrong, Joan Haab, Rosemary Neff
Reserve Champion: Sarah Millis
Blue Star: Dodi Bugeson,
Blue: Norma Barringer, Imogene Berkenstock, Donna Glick, Ray Jones, Betty Welch, Mary Lou Wessel, Ada Williams
Fancy Quick Breads
Grand Champion: Jennifer Dement
Reserve Grand Champion: Theresa Downey
Champion: Penny Jacobus
Reserve Champion: Linda Bennett, Chonita RobertsPam Wint
Blue: Wendy Brougher, Jo Childs, Lisa Keefe, Lindsey Murphy, Allison Roberts
Red: Briana Baney, Alyson Dunfee, Lisa Price
Fine Arts
Grand Champion: Jeff Jackson, Abby Moses, Caitlyn Smith, Grant Smith, Jack Smith
Champion: Lilly Bringle, Jeff Jackson, Emma Long, Reilly Lykins, Dinah McCartney, Abby Moses, Lindsey Murphy, Lilly Steinwedel, Leigh Vandergrif
Reserve Champion: Allena Gelfius, Jenny Lowry, Brenna McClain, Morgan Meier, Gary Stam
Blue Star: Norval Fischvogt, Victoria West
Blue: Ally Jo Baxter, Makayla Baxter, Pattie Cox, Joyce Dempsey, Donna Glick, Sandy Hull, Sibyl Mahaffey, Jason McCartney, Rebecca McCartney, Cierra McCauley, Josh McClain, Donna Mount, Anita Palmer, Olive Records, Lily Seaton, Serenity Seaton, Madeline Streeval, Stella Streeval, Mary Lou Wessel
Red: Sandra Hull, Haylee Niedbalski, Demi Oakes, Olive Records
Participation: Elizabeth Zook
Fishing Lures
Grand Champion: Kurt Carlsen
Champion: Andy Keffaber, Louis Vandegriff
Reserve Champion: Greg Wilkerson
Flowers & Foliage
Best of Show: Norma Carson
Blue: Wendy Brougher, Joe Childs, Becky Harper, Donna Mount, Margaret Volland
Green: Jo Childs
First: Sandie Hummel,
Artistic (Miniature)
Best of Show: Susan Arnholt
Second: Jo Childs
Flowers & Foliage
Best of Show: Sharon Baldwin
Blue: Pierce Arnholt, Jenny Decker, Laura Decker, Becky Harper, Cody Leitholt, Eileen Robertson, Lily Shelp, Bob Woodruff, Nancy Woodruff
Red: Linnda Grimes, Lucille Kestler, Kathy Leitholt, Judy Nichols, Eli Posta, Susan Thompson
White: Stella Arnholt, Lyle Leitholt
Best of Show: Sharon Baldwin
Blue: Susan Thompson, Nancy Woodruff
Branch of Beauty
Best of Show: Nancy Woodruff
Blue: Penny Jacobus
Red: Jenny Decker
Artistic — Fresh or Dried
Best of Show: Sharon Baldwin
Blue: Judy Nichols, Susan Thompson, Ro Whittington
Red: Penny Jacobus, Nancy Woodruff
White: Kathryn Glover, Becky Harper
Artistic — Miniature and Small Design
Best of Show: Sharon Baldwin
Red: Becky Harper
White: Jenny Decker, Joy Decker
Best of Show: Reese Psota
Blue: Siena Glover, Ben Psota