Orchids to …
• to Arleen Keele for keeping Carr Hill Road so clean all these years, from Todd and Joann
• Cummins CEO Tom Linebarger for his excellent op-ed in The New York Times explaining why tariffs are a tax burden on all Americans and will restrict trade, which will harm our community.
• conservative Republicans in the House for threatening impeachment of the person overseeing the alleged Russian interference in our presidential election of 2016.
• the positive effects of tariffs.
• the California resident who understands what the locals do not.
• all the law enforcement, EMTs and witnesses that helped my son, Roy Wasson, after his motorcycle accident, from Virgil Wasson.
• Nate, and Kevin Rich, at Frank Anderson Tire for always giving me excellent customer service, from Dave M.
• Melissa at Silver Oaks who brought sweet corn to the rehab center, from Hazel.
• Audra McNear, for your well-deserved success covered on the July 26 sports page, from Colleen.
• Kermet Merl Key, whose July 22 letter pointed out why the present leader of our great nation should not be trusted.
• Allen for putting the serpentine belt and the windshield wiper blade on for me, from your mother.
• Roberta and Randy and Wanda for a delicious lunch and a long visit, from your mother.
• Sue Day, for the wonderful lunch during my recovery, from Yvonne Pruitt.
• Ernie at Gillman Home Center in Edinburgh for your help and advice Thursday afternoon.
Onions to …
• hypocrites who profess to support family values yet approve of innocent children being forcibly separated from their parents.
• the special counsel’s flailing counterintelligence investigation, which is approaching the clown-car stage.
• those who cheer on teachers getting physical in their discipline of our kids in school.
• people who only coach to relive their experiences at the expense of young athletes.
• those who make hair appointments and don’t show.
• the letter to the editor writer praising the Trump and Pence administration’s wrongdoings.
Happy Birthday to …
• Jennifer Gates, from Jessica, Skyler, Mason, Ryder, Stephanie, David, Bobbi, Kaydence, Steven and Easton.
• Dave Willard.
• Bonnie Rigsby, from your family and Donna.
• Jennifer Gates, from Jan.
• Christine Biggs.
• Don Sturgeon.
• Jennifer Gates, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Theresa Downey.
• Bethany Leland.
• Tom Flora, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Belated to Ken Chandler, from friends at the Moravian Church.
• Belated Happy Birthday to…
• Earl Armitage with love, on No. 30, from his family.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Donald and Janet Thompson, from Ceil and Bob.
• Belated Happy Anniversary to…
• Wendel and Colleen Sweeney, from John Tinkey.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning