Letter: Writer defines her view of ‘leftists’

From: Sherry Grimes


I don’t wish to use the newspaper as a platform for debate with John Vanderbur, but he tossed out some questions directly aimed at me in his rebuttal to my recent letter. I would like to answer those questions.

He quoted my line, “People died, and they lied.” Mr. Vanderbur asked, “Who are they?” “They” are former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former presidential spokesperson Jay Carney and former foreign policy adviser Benjamin Rhodes. These were all government officials speaking on behalf of President Obama.

Mr. Vanderbur’s second question for me was a request for my definition of “leftists.” Leftists believe more government is always the answer to our problems. They see redistribution of wealth as a means of solving income inequality, rather than encouraging free enterprise and private sector growth. Leftists favor group rights over individual rights. They encourage and empower identity politics. They support globalism over American nationalism. They approve of judges who legislate from the bench, Constitutional or not, as long as their decisions advance the left’s agenda.

They put feelings/emotions ahead of the law and thumb their noses at American sovereignty. They have perverted our “freedom of religion” by turning it into freedom from religion. They find ways of transforming our protectors (police officers, ICE) into our enemies. They lament the temporary separation of children and parents who have broken the law, but turn a blind eye to all the babies whose lives were snuffed out by abortion. They want white Americans to feel guilty for most of the ills of the nation and world. They falsely accuse conservatives of racism or ethnic discrimination instead of debating the real issues. They put extreme environmentalism ahead of the economic welfare of Americans.

Leftists fail to appreciate how essential it is that immigrants assimilate in language, culture and ideals. That doesn’t necessarily mean casting aside their own cultures, but they need to appreciate and become a part of American culture and, hopefully, learn to love our American values, heritage, history and traditions. These are the core of who we are.

Mr. Vanderbur wanted me to name leftists who talked about impeaching Donald Trump before he took office. Some examples are congresswoman Maxine Waters, former congressman Alan Grayson, Utah law professor Christopher Peterson and filmmaker/activist Michael Moore.

Mr. Vanderbur, referencing a comment from my letter, asked if Nikki Haley was being Nazi-like when she removed the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse grounds. However, I made no mention of the removal of Confederate flags in my letter. I criticized the removal of historical statues, statues of great Americans who played key roles in the shaping of our nation. Some were Confederates, and some were not. Out of sight, out of mind. Is that the best way for young people to learn about our nation’s history?

I’m not worried about “Trumpitis/Penceitis,” but I do worry about the state of mind of the people who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.