Around Town – August 24

Editor’s Note: The deadline for Around Town items to appear in Sunday and Monday editions of The Republic is now noon Saturday. Around Town submissions made by either phone or email on Sunday will be considered for Tuesday publication. Instructions on submissions appear on Page A2 every day.

Orchids to …

• to two healthy and fit men at Hoosier Sporting Goods for helping a couple of out-of-shape old folks haul a couple of surprisingly heavy objects up a flight of stairs.

• Debbie Smith for picking vegetables out of her garden and bringing them to me, from Mary.

• Anita Gauck for her accurate, state-of-the-country letter in Wednesday’s Republic.

• Anthony at the 25th Street Ricker’s for being so helpful and always having such a nice personality, from Loretta Pruitt.

• Amanda at Columbus Internal Medicine billing department for helping me straighten out my billing and doing such a good job, from Bob.

• the sweet and generous lady who gave me the money to buy a puzzle I wanted at Goodwill on Monday.

• federal investigators regarding the security of the United States and whether our elections were tampered with by the Russians.

• the doctor and athletic trainer who worked with the girls who got overheated at the cross country meet.

• the night manager at Fazoli’s for being so kind to senior citizens by greeting them, helping them in the door and showing overall courtesy.

• Bob Valek for his right-on letter in Thursday’s paper.

• the kind soul who placed a “Happy Rock” at our dahlias on Lockerbie Drive, and we will happily pass it on.

• Steve Anthers for his big heart and generosity in dedicating the John Priddis Sycamore at Greenbelt.

• everyone in Columbus that donated money to help Special Dogs & More, which employs people with intellectual and emotional disabilities, so it can move to a new downtown location and continue to give these special people the gift of feeling good about themselves.

• the man who helped me at Rural King when my cart dumped on the ground in the rain.

• Jacqueline Carman and Mike Champlin for their truthful, spot-on letters regarding the press and the NFL.

• John Vanderbur and Sherry Grimes for their excellent letters explaining Democatic ideology.

• Wayne’s Electric for the excellent service, from Judy Goddard.

• Columbus Regional Hospital for the lovely Nurse of the Year and nursing celebration Tuesday.

Onions to …

• the former elected official who hounds current, hard-working local government officials.

• U.S. officials for the country’s immigration laws, which unfortunately are not as strong as those in the United Kingdom.

• the business in the otherwise nice neighborhood.

• people who have not read one of Lenin’s famous quotes: “The goal of socialism is communism.”

• the elected official who doesn’t know how to balance a budget.

• my Republican Party, which has turned into a criminal organization.

• our president who is now an uninvited co-conspirator.

• the person who still believes the U.S. Postal Service doesn’t send newspapers to residents of Washington, D.C., who can read Orchids and Onions in our paper every single day.

• the person that doesn’t realize the nightmare ended when Trump was elected president.

• the person who took my sunglasses at a restaurant.

• anyone who thinks if this country becomes a dictatorship they will be allowed to keep their guns, because they won’t.

• people who worry about school security when we have open campuses.

• landlords who don’t keep a close eye on their properties, then blame tenants when the building has to be torn down.

• our president who sounds like a mob boss, praising his former campaign chairman for defrauding and robbing the public.

Happy Birthday to …

• Lori Burton.

• Connie Morris.

• Lisa Cline, from your family and Donna.

• Michelle Fortini, from your family and Donna.

• Debra Chandler.

• Lillie Perkinson, from Linda, Larry and Julie, Gene and Susan, David and Lynnette, Lester and Kelly, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

• Nancy Weidman, from grandchildren, Jeremy, Brandon, Devan and Mia.

Belated Wishes to …

• Catherine Ahlbrand, from Cathy Clark.

ANOTHER beautiful morning