Senior profile: Jadalen Asher

Age: 17

School: Hauser Junior-Senior High School

Who are your parents/guardians, grandparents and siblings?

Parents: Aubrie Gill and Mike Asher; grandparents: Mandy Messina, Dale Messina and Betty Asher; siblings: Maycie Asher, Landon Asher and Stryker Gill

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Which elementary and middle school did you attend?

Taylorsville Elementary School and Hope Elementary School and Hauser for middle school.

What’s your favorite class or part of the school day and why?

Spanish, because I love the language and culture. I would like to major in Spanish.

In which extracurricular activities do you participate?

Basketball, tennis, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and youth group.

When you’re not in school, what’s your favorite place to be and why?

The gym or church because it is like home to me and it’s stress free.

What has been your greatest high school memory so far and why?

Winning the conference and basketball holiday tournament because I love the game and my teammates.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

Going to college and learning more about Spanish.

Who in your life has inspired you or whom do you look up to and why?

My aunt is who I’ve always looked up to because she was so hard-working and I want to match that.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned during, or from, high school?

To be kind to everyone and talk to the people that aren’t in your friend group. Some of those people can be the kindest you’ve ever met.

Draw a picture, write a poem or create something that represents you. It can be anything you choose.

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For more information on how to submit a senior profile, visit your high school counseling office or e-mail reporter Matthew Kent at [email protected]. Senor profiles, which appear in the Classrooms section on Mondays, are published in the order they are received.
