Janes receives probation after admitting to endangering life of 3-year-old

A Bartholomew County judge enhanced the sentence for a local man who admitting to endangering the life of his 3-year-old daughter by smoking marijuana in his truck while she was in her car seat and having loaded guns in the vehicle while transporting her.

Judge Kelly Benjamin accepted terms of a plea bargain filed in the case of Joshua Janes, 33, of 4303 Roosevelt St., who pleaded guilty Aug. 6 to one count of Level 6 felony neglect of a dependent.

Benjamin sentenced Janes on Thursday to two and a half years on probation, as called for in the plea bargain, but ruled the probation must be served through Community Corrections, which has the option to order various probationary requirements such as home monitoring, day reporting and work release requirements.

The original plea bargain did not specify Community Corrections would supervise the probation, but Benjamin said she would be more inclined to agree with the plea bargain if that stipulation were made.

After Janes consulted with his defense attorney, Dominic Glover, he agreed to the stipulation, along with another of the judge’s requirements, which was that Janes must work toward his GED while on probation.

For more on this story, see Saturday’s Republic.