Staff Reports
Our Hospice of South Central Indiana is offering a half-day bereavement camp for children Sept. 29.
Children ages 5 to 12 who have experienced a death of a significant person or people in their lives are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Camp Eva will be a structured and supportive environment for children to share their feelings about and memories of their loved one.
“Children experience grief differently than adults,” said Jessica Curd, support services manager at Our Hospice. “Children often grieve in spurts as it is difficult to handle these challenging feelings all at once.”
Children may incorporate themes of death and dying into their play and cope with grief differently at various developmental stages, Curd said.
“Their grief may be expressed by a myriad of emotions including anger, sadness, shock, fear and sometimes relief,” Curd said.
Camp Eva was started by Melissa Clark in 2016. She is an Our Hospice volunteer and a trained social worker.
The camp, from 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 29, will be at Westside Community Church, 124 Tipton Lakes Blvd.
Registration materials are available at
A one-hour parent/caregiver meeting is included as part of the camp.
For more information, call 812-314-8083 or 800-841-4983, Ext. 8083.