A CSA Lincoln Elementary School student was named the winner in the Columbus Fire Department Fire Prevention Week 2018 poster contest.
Hazel Kelley, 6, and her family will receive six tickets to Holiday World & Splashing Safari as the prize for winning, provided by White River Broadcasting Co.
The poster contest was open to children age 12 and under with the theme "Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware — Fire can happen anywhere."
Seven firefighters judged the contest, agreeing that Hazel’s poster highlighted the theme effectively. Her poster depicted a family who had safely escaped a residential fire and had reunited at their safe meeting place.
There were 74 submissions to the poster contest this year, firefighters said.
"The poster contest is a great opportunity to focus on what fire prevention means," Columbus Fire Chief Mike Compton said. "Fire Prevention Week is also a time for adults and children to think about fire-related emergencies and consider putting a plan together for a safe escape."
Fire Prevention Week begins today and continues through Saturday.