From: Kermet Merl Key
Despite Don Strietelmeier’s lament for today’s American male in his letter in Sunday’s Republic, it is the American woman that is under attack and has been ever since some of us chose to ignore the recorded, brazen comments of a presidential candidate confessing to sexual assault, and chose to elect him to the highest office in the world.
Some of us continue this assault as we make excuses for the way he continues to address women in the press, attacking their intelligence, their looks or their physiology. These people watched the hearings Sept. 28 and found a way to blame an actual victim of sexual assault (a woman), the ranking senator (a woman) and the prosecutor (a woman) representing 11 Republican American men for the destruction of one man’s reputation, while ignoring how he exposed himself as a partisan judge rather than an independent judge that would wield his power to take revenge against a vast left-wing conspiracy that somehow forced him to repeatedly confess his love for beer, calendars (we know what Renate Alumnus means), weightlifting, going to church every Sunday and getting good grades. His own words and demeanor were more revealing than the hearing intended.
But despite Strietelmeier’s attack on the left as an enemy of the Constituion, it was the women on the left – U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono – and one man on the right, Sen. Jeff Flake, that continued to push for an FBI investigation that would get to the truth of the allegations regarding the nominee’s character. They did not abuse their power like an old white man refusing for over a year to hold a hearing on the Supreme Court nominee of a twice-elected black man. The left did not try to force their nominee down the throats of Americans less than 40 days from an election. That will not concede legislative or judicial authority to a tyrannical executive and call it constitutional. That’s the right. Their professed love for the Constitution goes as far as their man’s executive orders. They will choose his words over that document.
No, what conservative males are concerned about here is not the reputation of a white, male, legacy pledge to Yale, who binged beer on the weekend to relieve the pressure of academia. Conservative males are concerned about the women — not for them, but about them. Like many of us they saw the Jan. 21, 2017 march, in numbers too big to ignore, as a response to the 2016 election. They knows the popular vote, like in 2000, did not go for their chosen man. And they know this:
In 2017 the women marched. In 2018 they’re running. They vote. They win.
And that, more than anything else, is what "Don" seems to be lamenting: The death of white male privilege.