Around Town – November 10

Nov. 10

Orchids to

• Turning Point member Amy for spending so much time talking with my kids at Family Game Night.

• Rust-Unger Monuments for their professionalism and compassion in working with my family to create a beautiful headstone for my grandmother.

• St. Bartholomew Catholic School students and staff for the meaningful Veterans Day program and breakfast.

• the caravan of Senate Republicans headed to Washington.

• President Donald J. Trump for making America great again.

• the kind women who provide the delicious treats for the Vet to Vet group, from a thankful veteran.

• liberals like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and Ben Franklin for helping to form our government so that it could be more perfect, unified and just.

• St. Bartholomew Catholic School for a wonderful Mass, program and breakfast for veterans, from a grateful veteran.

• Reenie at Bed Bath and Beyond for customer services that went beyond, from a happy customer.

• St. Bartholomew School for the wonderful veterans Mass and breakfast.

• Doug Chaptel for helping save lives.

• Bill Kozar for your great letter to the editor about school bus safety and not using using cellphones while driving.

• the Columbus Police Department for pushing my car to a safe place after my alternator went out on U.S. 31 early Thursday morning.

• Terrace Lake Church for being so generous and helpful to poll workers and voters.

• David Garrison for the donation for the football celebration party at Thursday night’s romp, from Larry Love.

• Tom Adams for paying for our dinner at Camilla’s restaurant on a Sunday evening from your friends, J.D. and Betty.

• the nice policeman and nice man who helped my daughter and me with her car when it broke down on U.S. 31 Thursday.

• Peggy Mitchell for sending me a retired women’s group with updated names, phone numbers and birthday info, from Betty.

Onions to

• those who proclaim to always support the president, conveniently forgetting how they treated Obama.

• the local school district because parents deserve clear, direct communication at all times, and it is not acceptable to learn about a safety threat through the local news or social media.

• the disrespectful reporter for the worst presidential press conference I’ve ever seen.

• the president for being a poor role model for our society and to the people that think he is so great.

• the president inheriting this great economy and claiming to be the creator of it.

• the media at the presidential press conference.

• people who go to work and let their dogs bark all day.

Happy Birthday to

• Eugene Hudson

• Donna Ostick, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.

• Vicky Miller, from Mom, Shawn, the Kirbys, and to Mom, from Zachary, Lindsay and Weston.

• Roxena Burton, from the brothers and sister and all the family.

• Donna Ostick, from Luke Ferguson

Belated Happy Birthday to:

• Paula Brummett on Nov. 7, from your co-workers, Sharon and Donna

• Sara Carter on Nov. 7, from your family and Donna

• Nancy Menefee on Nov. 8, from your family and friends