From: Sandra Hoover
I’m very saddened by all the violence and evil in our country lately. Satan is working overtime, so it’s time for Christians to stand up and work harder to bring forth God’s love and his healing words. We are God’s soldiers but we have been lazy or lacking in our duties.
We don’t want to confront sin but turn our heads away. Satan creeps in like a thief quietly at first and we hide and don’t fight back! It’s all the little sins we allow that grow to big sins. We don’t fight hatred!
We allow Hollywood and beliefs contrary to God’s word to dictate what’s acceptable behavior. We have become the "me generation" instead of a godly generation.
What is our country becoming? We allow the killing of a fetus because some don’t believe the miracle of a baby’s conception is directed by a loving God. We allow foreigners with beliefs other than Christianity to help rule and guide our country! When in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 God says not to allow that because it will corrupt our ways. We accept homosexuality because people say that’s how they were born and, yes, maybe there are some lacking in extra hormones that determines a male or female emotions, but God made men and women as they are born for a reason and gifted doctors with knowledge to help overcome this as with other handicaps if the Christian will is there to help the problem, or ask God to help defeat sin.
God loves everyone! I love everyone, too, but God says in the Bible killing is wrong, foreign religion is wrong. “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me,” and homosexuality is a sin.
God said to love and not judge; that’s his job, not ours. But he charges us, his soldiers, to spread his word and avoid and fight sin.
How would God grade us for effort?