Letter: Democrats controlling Congress good change

From: Doug Logan


I think that the community needs to take a look at the image in letter writer Sherry Grimes’ funhouse mirror. Consider which party is keeping promises. Remember, the Republican Party has controlled Congress and the executive branch for nearly two years.

Candidate Donald Trump promised a better, cheaper replacement for the Affordable Care Act. Where is it? All the Republicans have done is fail at repealing with no replacement, and then repealing provisions so that costs for those in the system have gone up. The individual mandate? Yes, asking everyone to pay for coverage means that people who may not need it are paying. That’s what insurance is. The state requires you to have car insurance even if you have not had an accident.

The funny thing about Obamacare is how public opinion changed. The people said, “Wait. Pre-existing conditions? That’s Obamacare? I like that!”

Candidate Trump promised that Mexico would pay for a beautiful wall. Then the story turned to, “Congress will have to appropriate the money, but Mexico will pay it back.” Now, any idea of Mexico seems to have evaporated, and it is Democrats’ fault there is no wall. See the first paragraph: Trump’s party controls Congress, so what we have here is an empty Republican promise.

Here’s another bitter pill for Republicans. After candidate Trump, like Professor Harold Hill in “The Music Man,” conducted chants of “Lock her up” over Hillary Clinton’s email server, come to find out First Daughter and presidential advisor Ivanka Trump used her private email account for government business. Details do not matter. There is an old saying that those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and it is obvious that Trumps don’t learn.

Ms. Grimes also whined about the Mueller investigation. She wrote something like “no proof.” What right-wing website does that come from? It is a matter of public record that the investigation has brought dozens of indictments and several plea bargains. The Mueller team referred the Paul Manafort case to other prosecutors and that led to convictions on several charges. Convicting the campaign manager of crimes such as fraud, money laundering and not registering as a foreign agent sure seems like evidence to me.

That does not begin to consider Donald Trump Jr. admitting to setting up a meeting with someone offering assistance for the campaign from the Russian government. A meeting that included, in an encore performance, Manafort and Trump son-in-law and treasured, if ineffectual, adviser Jared Kushner. I can’t decide if this gang that can’t shoot straight, is arrogant or simply dumb.

President Trump appears set on a path that will destroy America. He attacks essential institutions like independent judges and the free press. His cabinet is riddled with incompetence and corruption. Our armed forces are in such disarray that a headline I saw last week indicated that American military power might not defeat Russia or China. If Democratic control of Congress can save the country from Trump, I’m in.