Religion News
Services and studies
First Presbyterian — Worship begins at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at the church, 512 Seventh St., Columbus. On the first Sunday of Christmas, Marietta Macy will preach on the surprises hiding in plain sight in Jesus’ family tree, found in Matthew 1:1-17.
Infant and toddler care is available from 9:15 a.m. to noon Sunday.
The men’s and women’s support groups meet at 7 a.m. Fridays, and a second men’s support group of working-age men meets every Monday at 6:15 a.m.
People in need of a meal are invited to Hot Meals offered 5 p.m. Friday, with entry through the glass doors on Franklin Street.
The church is LGBTQ-friendly, open and affirming to all.
First United Methodist — At Sunday’s 10 a.m. unified service, the Rev. Howard Boles will deliver the message, “New Clothes for a New Year,” at the church, 618 Eighth St., Columbus. The Scripture will be Colossians 3:12-17.
There will be no Sunday School, but it will start back up Jan. 6.
Childcare is available during the service.
There will also be an ugly Christmas sweater contest. Wear your best ugly Christmas sweater to the service, and be entered in a drawing to win a basket of holiday goodies.
Information: 812-372-2851.
Flintwood Wesleyan — From 8:15 to 9:30 a.m. Sunday, a New Year’s Breakfast will be served in The Friendship Center at the church, located at 5300 E. 25th St., Columbus. There will be a combined worship service led by Pastor Wes Jones at a special time, 10 a.m. Sunday School and evening activities will be dismissed. Please take note of the time change for the worship service.
“In The Beginning,” a small-group Bible study, will not meet until Jan. 8.
Regular Wednesday activities are dismissed until Jan. 9.
Information: 812-379-4287; [email protected];
Old Union United Church of Christ — The sermon for Sunday’s 10 a.m. service is “Scary New Things,” with text from Genesis 12:1-4; and Matthew 2:13-15. The Rev. Dick Bailey will be the guest speaker.
Sunday school will begin at 9 a.m., followed by fellowship at 9:40 a.m.
Wednesday Bible study is on hiatus until Jan. 16.
The church is located at 12703 N. County Road 50W, Edinburgh.
Information: Old Union United Church of Christ on Facebook.
Petersville United Methodist — The Rev. Stormy Scherer-Berry will deliver the message, “Is Born,” at the 9 a.m. Sunday worship service at the church, 2781 N. County Road 500E, Columbus. Scripture from Revelations 21:1-6 will be given by liturgist Patsy Harris. The adult choir will share special music. Teresa Covert will give the children’s message. An offering will be received for the United Methodist Student fund, and all loose coins will be directed to the Bishop’s Children’s Christmas Fund.
The Bible Study classes held each Monday will not resume until Jan. 7, and the Sit and Stitch class on Tuesday will resume Jan. 8. The Prayer group will meet on Jan. 10.
Information: 812-546-4438; 574-780-2379.
St. Paul Lutheran — At the 8 and 10 a.m. services, Pastor Doug Bauman will present his sermon, ”Clothes for Christmas,” based on Colossians 3:12-17. On Sunday, the Spanish worship service will be held in the chapel at 10:45 a.m. The church is located at 2555 S. County Road 300E, Columbus.
Christian Education classes for all ages will be held at 9:30 a.m.
A New Year’s Eve Communion service focusing on the ministry of angels will be held at 7 p.m. Monday at the church with Pastor Doug Bauman’s sermon, “Guardian Angels,” based on Psalm 91.
Information: 812-376-6504.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbus — At 10 a.m. Sunday, the Rev. Nic Cable will present his sermon, “Looking Backwards, Moving Forwards.” During this service, the church is invited to look backwards at the year that was. Everyone can both learn from the lessons of 2018 and let things go. Join in for a service of reflecting, of letting go, and of moving forward.
The congregation meets at 7850 W. Goeller Blvd., Columbus.
Information: 812-342-6230.
Westside Community — At 10 a.m. Sunday, Pastor Robert Vester will lead the service at the church, at State Road 46 West and Tipton Lakes Boulevard. The children’s program, up to age 5, will meet at the same time as the 10 a.m. worship service. Elementary age students will join their families in worship this Sunday.
Information: 812-342-8464.
Westside Community — The church will be offering the Financial Peace University course beginning Feb. 6. This nine-lesson course is a step-by-step guide to handle money using biblical wisdom and common sense. The church is located at at State Road 46 West and Tipton Lakes Boulevard. Information: 812-342-8464.