Teen earns top American Heritage Girl honor

Staff Reports

A Greensburg resident who is a member of a Columbus-based American Heritage Girls troop has earned the organization’s highest recognition.

Emily Walls, 18, recently received the Stars and Stripes Award. The award teaches girls perseverance, self-respect and a strong feeling of satisfaction, according to the organization’s website.

American Heritage Girls, Inc. is a national character development organization for young women, ages 5-18, that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.

Walls is a member of Troop 208 based at Community Church of Columbus. She is the 402nd girl nationally and the 28th girl in Indiana to earn the Stars and Stripes Award. She was officially recognized this past spring in a Court of Honor Ceremony at CCC.

Walls, the daughter of Jeff and Sandy Walls of Greensburg, is a member of CCC and is a recent 2018 home school graduate.

In addition to living out the AHG Creed and Oath, award recipients have to complete a number of requirements to achieve the honor, including:

Earning a total of 16 merit badges

Having held a leadership position in their troop for a minimum of six months

Planning, developing and providing leadership to others in a 100-plus service project

Writing a life ambition/spiritual walk essay and resume

Receiving a least three letters of reference

Passing a board of review

Walls chose to serve Camp Moneto/Impact 2818 in Nashville by clearing and upgrading the camp’s trail system.

She served as her troop’s flag ceremony coordinator and received her Dolley Madison Award, the highest level award in the program.