Rep. Greg Pence announces district staff

Seven individuals, including one Bartholomew County native, have been hired to serve on the staff of 6th District Congressman Greg Pence (R-Indiana).

Ryan Jarmula will serve as Pence’s district director and deputy chief of staff. With a degree in political science from Indiana University, Jarmula worked 10 years for the congressman’s brother, now Vice President Mike Pence.

Jarmula served Mike Pence in various capacities during the years that he was a congressman and Indiana governor. But over the past two years, Jarmula has worked as a special assistant to President Donald Trump.

Serving as Jarmula’s deputy district director will be Liz Dessauer, who was the political director for Greg Pence’s campaign last year. Three years ago, Dessauer worked on the re-election campaign for then-Gov. Mike Pence until he was chosen to become Trump’s running mate in July 2016.

The local staff member is John Hatter, a 1990 Columbus East graduate who once served as executive director of human resources at the Columbus campus of Ivy Tech Community College.

Hatter, who was a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army Reserve, will serve as the congressman’s liaison to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of Defense.

Hatter was also on the staff of former congressman Luke Messer and former U.S. Senator Dan Coats. Greg Pence was elected to succeed Messer last November, while Coats has been the U.S. Director of National Intelligence since 2017.

Three people were named as constituent service representatives for Congressman Greg Pence:

Karrie Pardieck, who did similar work for Messer and Mike Pence when they were in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Dale Buwalda, who most recently served as field director for Messer.

Misty Hollis, a Wayne County resident who is the GOP chairwoman of the 6th Congressional District.

The new congressman also announced that 2017 Taylor University graduate Jordan Hall will work as a field representative throughout the district.

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U.S. Rep. Greg Pence, R-Indiana, 6th District.

Contact: Offices — 222 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515 (phone: 202-225-3021); local office, 555 First St., Suite B, Columbus, IN 47201.
