Letter: Congress needs to fix broken immigration system

From: Arnold Krause


Immigration is growing beyond comprehension. What the future will look like if it is not addressed?

“Immigration by the Numbers” is a video (made nine years ago) by Roy Beck, director of the Numbers USA Education & Research Foundation. This video (vimeo.com/8223000) should open one’s eyes to what he predicted and why we are in the predicament we are today because our Congress failed to pass a comprehensive immigration policy.

Politicians in the past failed to understand and address the future of immigration and today are still in denial. They only see the benefits for more vote and cheap labor for businesses. They fail to see the negative effects of illegal immigration and lack of assimilation, lack of English language, education and health issues, not to mention excessive federal and state costs paid by taxes, etc.

“Gumball Immigration Best Explanation” by Beck is a second video that explains more issues with immigration that were failed to address and now are out of control. 

Congress has refused to update border security, including requests by U.S. Border Patrol to stop the illegal entry into our country, not to mention more Border Patrol agents, ICE officers and judges to hear immigration cases.

One should search online for “Immigration Court Backlog Surpasses One Million Cases – TRAC Report" and read it.

You can also search online and read these stories:

  • "Largest Fentanyl Drug Bust in History Made As Truck Tried Crossing The Southern Border"
  • "Drug Smuggling Killed more than 70,000 Americans in 2017"

Until the voters start demanding Congress fix our broken immigration system and securing our border, nothing will change. It is time Congress start working full time and accomplish something for the voters.