From: Sherry Grimes
“Let every American, every lover of liberty … swear … never to violate … the laws of the country, and never to tolerate their violation by others.”
“… to the support of the Constitution … let every American pledge his life, his property, and his sacred honor …”
“Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the … babe … on her lap; let it be taught in schools, in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written in primers, spelling-books, and almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, and enforced in courts of justice.”
Those words were spoken by former President Lincoln, whose wisdom still applies. Where is reverence for the U.S. Constitution today? Democrats magnify the bad in America, downplay the good. Contempt for the country has been exhibited countless ways. Former President Obama traveled to foreign nations to apologize for the U.S., and former Vice President Joe Biden told an international audience in Germany that he is embarrassed by our country. Democrats are accepting of illegal immigration and celebrate sanctuary cities that protect illegal aliens. Our national anthem is controversial, as evidenced by those kneeling during its playing.
The American flag has been banned at events, schools and other buildings. The reason given is it may be offensive to Hispanics and/or Muslims. This is the USA! Showing one’s patriotism should not be questioned or condemned.
In 2018, Democrats elected two Muslim women who have shown their anti-Israel/anti-Semitic bias. Shockingly, congresswoman Ilhan Omar is assigned to the Foreign Affairs Committee. Universities offer anti-Trump classes and send anti-Trump emails to students. Teachers berate students who support him, and teachers/administrators have banned Trump apparel from school and school functions. He is compared to Hitler by Democrats in Congress. Wearing a MAGA hat can result in unprovoked physical or verbal attacks. Obama, however, was treated like a rock star – praised by schoolchildren in songs and poems. To challenge him was to be accused of racism.
We are a capitalistic nation, but progressives want socialism. They want to punish the rich and eliminate fossil fuels.
Lincoln said, “You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer …. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich …”
Progressives focus on things like banning the words “he” and “she” in favor of the gender neutral “they.” Liberals applaud the advances of gender identity and sexual orientation, but they rob babies of life by allowing third-trimester abortions. We have gone from being just plain Americans to being women, LGBTQ, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, the disenfranchised, the rich.
Encouraging patriotism honors our past and prolongs our future. It protects the values we cherish, allows us to see where we have stumbled along the way. We are a work in progress and, oh, how far we have come. The people who established this nation, those who saved it, those who have protected it put country ahead of self. They loved the USA. So do I.