Letter: Despite some problems, Columbus gem of city

From: Bill Kendall


In spite of the eight points covered in the March 10 Republic editorial about the Welcoming Community Survey, Columbus still has a lot to offer. I like to regard it as the capital of southern Indiana.

There is a multitude of good shopping, great restaurants and lots of activity in the general area (Nashville, Brown County) without a long, arduous drive. But like any other mid-size city, it has, and will continue to have, problems because of imperfect people. You cannot legislate away imperfection because then you have oppression. Which do you want most, freedom and liberty or oppression?

The points mentioned in the editorial were valid and well-intentioned, and gives Columbus some constructive feedback. But, let’s remember, Columbus also does not have the problems of Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, South bend, etc… So, all things considered, let’s be grateful for what we do have in Columbus.

Yes, I live in Seymour. However, I do a good 70 percent of my shopping in Columbus because of the variety offered.