Public input sought in plans to add trails

They are searching for the best path to health, happiness and history, and the Trails Initiative Committee will be asking for residents’ ideas on how to best go about their quest to improve connectivity in Jennings County.

For more than 10 years, the Trails Initiative Committee has been working to develop a system of safe pathways for walkers, joggers and bikers to move to and from frequently used sites within the community.

The Trail Initiative Committee is composed of volunteers who are administrators in city, county and state offices, as well as private citizens.

“The Trails Initiative Committee developed a master plan 10 years ago and three projects within that plan have been competed. Many things in the community have changed and it is time to update the master plan to expand our vision and improve the quality of life in our area,” Muscatatuck County Park Director Greg Martin said.

The completed projects include a paved trail that extends from the back southern side of the Muscatatuck County Park along the Muscatatuck River to the Dog Farm Bridge to Crosley Park. The other competed projects include a trail from Muscatatuck Park’s back entrance gate to downtown North Vernon, and a trail along the old rail head to a developed parking lot.

“We want the city to be connected to the whole community. We want a city of connectivity. We want everyone to be able to run, walk or just hop on a bike and safely go where you want to go. And, we want the general public’s idea on this. If they have ideas, they will have a voice,” said LeeLee Ernstes, assistant to North Vernon’s mayor and a volunteer on the Trails Initiative Committee.

North Vernon Mayor Mike Ochs said he’s excited about the idea of adding trails.

“We have so many beautiful things in our community and we want people to enjoy them for their own health and happiness. We also want to share the natural beauty here with the people who live beyond our community,” Ochs said. “We want people to be able to come here and safely explore our community through easily accessed trails that connect the whole community.”

Trail development has taken time, but more trail connections will be completed, Vernon Mayor Dan Wright.

“We need to update our master plan because there have been many changes in our community. For instance, when we started this, we didn’t even have a Tripton Park — that was just an old golf course then. Now people have suggested a trail between Tripton Park and the historic section of Vernon,” Wright said.

The community has many historical sites and beautiful landscape, and it would be nice for people to be able to take a 20-minute-walk from lunch in Vernon to the old Tunnel Mill site, for example, Martin said.

“They would be able to relax and enjoy the natural beauty along the way, as well as stay in touch with the community’s own history,” Martin said.

“We don’t exactly have a deadline, but we would like to apply for a grant from Gov. (Eric) Holcomb’s Next Level Trails Initiative, so we need to develop our new Master Plan quickly,” Ernstes said.

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Anyone who wants to share an idea of how the community can be well connected by a trail developed between certain locations can send their idea to [email protected].

Ideas also can be sent to [email protected].
