4H queen applications being accepted

Staff Reports

Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 Bartholomew 4-H Fair Queen Pageant.

Entry forms may either be downloaded from the Bartholomew County Purdue Extension website or picked up from the Extension office, 783 S. Marr Road in Columbus.

All completed applications, as well as a $35 entry fee, must be mailed to pageant organizer Annie Romine, 9943 N. County Road 600E, Hope, IN 47246 no later than June 1.

The purpose of the 4-H Fair Queen competition is to encourage the growth and development of the individuals competing, according to the official entry form.

During the July 5-13 county fair, the queen and her four-member court will make frequent appearances to support the accomplishments of all 4-H’ers.

Last year, only 13 contestants entered the pageant. That was down from 15 a year earlier, and from 19 contestants in 2016.

Last year’s queen, Madelyn Steinwedel, received a $500 scholarship from German American Bank.

The queen pageant will be Sunday, June 23, at the Columbus North High School auditorium.

Of the skills each contestant must master, interviewing is by far the most important, Romine said. Each girl is usually provided tips on public speaking before their four-minute interview, Romine said.

The pageant is in the auditorium at 7 p.m. that night.

For the local pageant only, each contestant must be at least 16 years of age and cannot have had her 21st birthday as of June 1, 2020.

But if the winner of the pageant is not at least 18 years old by June 1, 2020, she will not be able represent Bartholomew County in the Indiana State Fair Queen contest.

Checks for the $35 entry fee should be made payable to the Bartholomew County 4-H Fair, Inc., with a note on the memo line that the money is for the queen contest.

For questions or concern, call Romine at 812-343-1462.