School News – May 13

Franklin art students earn awards

FRANKLIN — The Franklin College Art Department presented awards at the opening reception of the spring semester student art exhibit on April 30.

Students from all levels of studio art classes displayed a selection of their work completed during the spring semester.

Local students who received awards include:


Award of Excellence in Art History:

Emily Hales, daughter of Phillip and Christina Hales

Adelina Smith, daughter of Kathy Smith of Columbus


Award of Merit in Advanced Painting:

Elliott Parmer, son of Paul and Stephanie Parmer

Walker welcomes students to the Statehouse

The following students served as Senate pages for Sen. Greg Walker, R-Columbus, in March and April:

Columbus North High School: Noah Algee

ABC-Stewart School: Jackson Brookes, Richard Geng, Sam Gupta, Addie Hearn, Rashell Jaehnke, Sarah Morales, Lillian Phillips, Matila Zetterlund

Columbus Signature Academy – New Tech: Adam Kolomaznik