County officials have approved an inter-local agreement between Bartholomew County and Columbus to fund salary and benefits for a coordinator for a new drug addiction treatment program at the Bartholomew County Jail.
The agreement covers the salary and fringe benefits of a jail addiction treatment program coordinator, who will develop the program curriculum. The agreement totals $57,500, but the city and county will each contribute half. The Columbus Board of Public Works and Safety approved the inter-local agreement on July 23.
Under the terms of the agreement, the county will administer the treatment program’s budget, but the city will reimburse the county for its share of the expenses.
“At the end of each calendar quarter (April, July, October and January), the county will bill the city the actual salary and fringe benefit cost for the previous quarter,” the agreement states. “…The city will reimburse county within 30 days of receipt of the invoice.”
The idea of the program is to reduce recidivism by offering inmates with substance abuse problems evidence-based treatment and to help them develop life skills to re-enter the community after being released from jail, Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department Chief Deputy Maj. Chris Lane told the Columbus City Council in June.