Senior profile: Sara Groover

Sara Groover Submitted photo

Sara Groover

Age: 17

School: Columbus North High School

Who are your parents/guardians, grandparents and siblings?

Parents: Brad and Robin Groover; grandparents: Phyllis Parkerson, Kevin and Nancy Groover; sibling: Jason Groover

Which elementary and middle school did you attend?

W.D. Richards Elementary and Central Middle School

What’s your favorite class or part of the school day and why?

My dental career class (Dental 3) through C4 because it is preparing me for my future career and it is hands-on.

In which extracurricular activities, including music, sports or clubs, do you participate?

Currently I volunteer at the Bartholomew County Humane Society and work part-time in food services at Columbus Regional Hospital. In the past I participated in school and competitive cheer.

When you’re not in school, what’s your favorite place to be and why?

When I’m not at school I like to be at home with my family and my dog, Stella.

What has been your greatest high school memory so far, and why?

Meeting new people and making friends.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?

With graduating in December, I look forward to being able to sleep in when everyone goes back to high school for second semester. I am also really looking forward to starting college to become a dental hygienist.

Who in your life has inspired you or whom do you look up to and why?

My mom because she is a great influence and always pushes me to thrive.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned during, or from, high school?

Be present. It is important to attend classes as scheduled but to succeed you must be engaged, participate and ask questions.

Draw a picture, write a poem or create something that represents you.

“I was created to create beautiful smiles.” — Anonymous

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Each school year, The Republic publishes profiles of Bartholomew County high school seniors in the Classrooms section on Mondays. The profile includes a list of questions and answers and a photo of the featured student.

To submit a senior profile, visit your high school counseling office or e-mail reporter Shelby Thomas at [email protected]. Senior profiles are published in the order they are received.
