Flat Rock-Hawcreek teacher salaries likely to go up

HOPE — The Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Board plans to make teacher salaries more competitive with other school districts next year.

One of the corporation’s top concerns in its negotiations with the Flat Rock-Hawcreek Teachers’ Association was to establish higher starting salaries that would attract quality educators, FHSC superintendent Shawn Price said.

Under the proposal with the teacher’s union, starting salaries for teachers with a bachelor’s degree will go from $34,000 to $37,250, while those with a master’s degree will earn between $39,600 and $42,850, according to a summary provided by Price.

At the same time, maximum salaries will increase from $42,400 to $49,250 for teachers with a bachelor’s degree — and from $64,800 to $68,050 for those holding a master’s degree, the summary stated.

In contrast, returning educators would receive a collective increase of 6.98%. That provision is expected to cost an additional $159,700 over the two-year contract period, superintendent Shawn Price said.

There were no objections to any of the budgets during Tuesday’s public hearings. The Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Corp. has a total of 56 teachers employed at Hope Elementary and Hauser Jr.-Sr. High School.

Under the salary proposal, all teachers with a “highly effective” and “effective” rating will receive a $3,250 increase all in the first year, but no raises during the second and final year of the contract, Price stated.

An additional $42,000 will be spent for increased medical coverage and contributions to health savings accounts, Price said. Corporation insurance contributions will increase from $843 to $1,000 for those with a family plan, while single plan members will receive only a $4 increase.

Other provisions include increasing the extra duty pay from $100 to $150 per day, and adding a $750 stipend for educators who teach dual credit or advanced placement courses.

The actual vote on the school corporation’s budget isn’t scheduled until 7 p.m. Oct. 29 in the board room adjacent to the corporation’s central office.

In a separate issue, there were also no objections about the school corporation’s two largest financial pockets: the Education Fund and the Operations Fund.

FHSC is seeking $5.09 million in its Education Fund, which represents a $300,000 increase from this year. That extra money will go toward pay for a new kindergarten teacher, music instructor and student counselor, as well as providing additional money for the Capital Projects Plan, Price said.

The proposed $2.47 million Operations Fund for next year is actually down slightly from this year, the superintendent said.

Other than paying for three new staff members, the overall corporation-wide 2020 budget is largely unchanged from this year, the superintendent said.

Another positive development is the $214 million assessed valuation of the school district’s property, Price said. After a steady decrease for the past few years, the most recent assessed valuation is up 3.9% from the previous year, he said.

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After holding public hearings on Tuesday, the six-member Flat Rock-Hawcreek School Board of Trustees will vote on the spending plans later this month.

Votes on the 2020 budget, teacher salary agreement, Capital Projects plan and Bus Replacement plan will take place on Oct. 29, starting at 7 p.m., in the board room adjacent to the corporation’s central office.
