Dear Amy: I am in the most loving relationship with the man I want to marry. We talk about marriage often.
He knows nearly everything about me. The last thing — the thing he doesn’t know — is my protected secret.
Seven years ago, I was raped in college. Few people knew, even then. It took me years to admit it.
Lately, I have felt guilty that I have not told my love this deep secret, not because it is painful for me to talk about (I’ve suppressed it enough to numb it) but because I don’t know how to bring it up in a way that won’t make him feel blindsided, confused, or even angry.
I feel like it’s something he needs to know, and I feel like I am hiding something, but I know I shouldn’t feel this way.
— Protected Secret
Dear Protected:
Change your vocabulary. Remove words that suggest shame and secrecy. You are a rape survivor. Your rape does not define you. Your healing defines you. Your healthy relationships, your healthy sense of self, your personal, creative or professional successes — these things all define you.
This is going to sound pedestrian, but I am a firm believer in practicing as a way to prepare yourself for a challenging experience or conversation.
Write down your thoughts.
Choose a time and space where you feel comfortable and where neither of you will be distracted.
I suggest starting with: “I have something to talk to you about. This is hard for me and so I hope you’ll bear with me while I get through it. When I’m done, if you have questions, I’ll do my best to answer them.”
If you two have a loving future together (I assume you do), your and his stories — joyful and heartbreaking — go along with you.
Remember this: So many survivors stand alongside you. I hope you can picture an army of supportive survivor-warriors who all have your back.
You would benefit from professional counseling and also group support. Contact for online and telephone counseling.
Dear Amy: My wife and I are in our late 70s.
We have recently attended six family weddings.
Amy, young couples don’t think about things such as handicap accessibility and this creates great difficulty for those guests who can’t climb stairs or stay out late.
The last wedding we attended had no reception line, so we never said hello to the principals of the wedding.
We had to leave promptly after the reception in order to make long trip home.
We left a cash gift at the appropriate spot and have not yet been thanked.
Are we being difficult?
— Upset Elders
Dear Upset: No, you are not being difficult. I agree that marrying couples often do not take into account the physical limitations of some of their guests. However, you could do more to advocate for your own safety. An outdoor venue, for instance, might present particular challenges for you. You should do your best to find out in advance what conditions you might encounter at the venue.
Generally, it is not wise to leave cash on the gift table. I assume you wonder if the couple has received it, and because they haven’t thanked you, you will have to ask them.
Many marrying couples don’t really seem to understand that their weddings are important family events, and that they should be inclusive and accessible.
Dear Amy: I normally like your advice, but I was upset by your response to “Upset Parents,” whose young child used a racial slur at school.
I thought your answer to them was harsh and bullying.
— Upset
Dear Upset: Other readers responded similarly. For me, the particular trigger was when the parents described themselves as “steadfast liberals,” as if that would give their own flawed parenting a pass. They seemed to take no personal responsibility for the incident.
Amy Dickinson can be reached at [email protected].