Around Town – February 20

Orchids to …

• the person picking up trash in the alley behind McDonald’s on National Road, from Jim.

• whoever left the painted rocks in FairOaks Mall, I needed that message more than anything, thank you!

• Justin for his kindness in helping my husband change his flat tire Friday morning at 12:45 a.m. on State Road 46 west of town, we will pay it forward.

• those concerned about teacher and administrative pay in the school system.

• Ralph Jewell for retrieving my cane.

• the next president who will undoubtedly work to bring people together instead of trying to divide us.

• people on both sides of politics who understand that as a country we are all in this together and it’s the only way it will work going forward.

• Brian in the Jay C dairy department.

• our new representative who is seriously all over the district.

Onions to …

• local officials touting all the benefits of the new State Road 46 overpass when it is unknown what safety protections are planned for the other downtown railroad crossings.

• the federal elected official who is more compassionate toward crooks and other convicted criminals in commuting sentences or granting clemency than he is to average American citizens.

• those complaining about early morning paper delivery when you should be grateful a paper is actually published in this town and someone delivers it.

• the federal elected official for undermining the jury system, judges, and the rule of law and threatening our republic.

• the federal elected official who is all about “law and order” and “draining the swamp,” except when it comes to his rich cronies.

• the onion about test buses — the company that runs those test buses pays taxes in this city too.

• a new low established when a right wing talk show host receives the Medal of Freedom because now the award means nothing.

• the church for allowing a political candidate to speak for an hour and a half, violating separation of church and state.

• the older person eating breakfast at the fast food restaurant who judged my granddaughter who had just left a doctor’s appointment and stopped for 15 minutes to get breakfast.

Happy Birthday to …

• Michelle Clark from your family and Donna.

• Mike Henderson, from Mom, Dad, Cathy, Shawn, Jimmy, Cason, Amanda, Caydence, Aryainna, and Charlie.

ANOTHER beautiful morning