Orchids to …
• the gentleman who helped me up when I fell at the curb at the mall on Sunday.
• Wendy’s employee Desiree for always making our family feel so welcome and expert customer service, from a customer.
• Marquita Tuck and Mike Ross for the wonderful three-day retirement party, from Linda Rhoades.
• Nicole Noel, Ashley Goddard, and their families for the awesome retirement open house, from Linda Rhoades.
• Tony’s Jackson Tax Service for being there in my time of need, from Marie.
Onions to …
• placing the federal elected official in charge of the coronavirus epidemic as this will really cause a panic.
• the administration funneling all news of the virus epidemic through the vice president’s office as this is just another opportunity to cover up their cluelessness.
• the current administration more concerned with the stock market than the health and well being of citizens.
• the current administration for not allowing vital, honest information about the coronavirus to be released to the public.
• the current administration for campaigning and golfing instead of doing its job during the current crisis.
• the golf course manager who never met a tree he didn’t want to cut down.
• dog owners who keep their dogs in crates for most of the day and then all night.
• school bus drivers who speed through red lights.
• the employee who opened-mouth coughed at me at point blank range, then covered her mouth.
• doom and gloom bringing people down, cheer up, try whistling.
• the business that had outdated contact lens cleaners for sale with the years 2004 and 2006 on the bottles.
• local school board members for believing what they are told without hesitation.
• school administration that complains about teachers leaving and jobs unfilled but gives raises to themselves and comrades without blinking an eye.
• the person who illegally placed a non-postal political flyer in my mailbox Sunday afternoon.
• schools refusing to weight grades, causing my high schooler to miss out on a summer program that used class rank for selection.
• the local school administration for easily giving themselves a 2.5% raise on six figure salaries then expecting teachers to go out and beg the community like peasants for more money.
• the old man in the hospital calling caregivers “babe, hon’ and sweetheart.”
• the local school administration for stating that the referendum will put them in a position to compete for the best available teachers when in fact they should be worried about keeping the great teachers they already have.
• anyone who thinks ever cutting funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is anything other than a really bad idea.
• the writer of the anti-Second Amendment letter — you have the right to make a choice concerning firearms, but you don’t have the right to force that choice on others.
• health care workers that can’t think through the very basics of not spreading germs, proving that we are doomed.
• the person in the red car who decided to be rude and cut in front of the lady in the ATM line while she was giving the person ahead of her a respectful space.
• the people who don’t wipe down the machines and the management that doesn’t enforce all of their rules.
Happy Birthday to …
• Brian McClintic, from Mom, Lillian, Torrie, Tom, Kayleigh, Chris, and the rest of your family.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning