Orchids to …
• Nikki Lynn for making face masks and allowing me to share them throughout our community.
• the Trump administration for doing such a complete and comprehensive job keeping us informed.
• the Morrill family and Columbus East Wrestling Club for another year of excellent mulch delivery from a very satisfied family.
• all of the restaurant and grocery workers who are sacrificing to keep the food flowing for us.
• the courteous people who stay home when they are sick thus not endangering others.
• Bartholomew County Highway Department for announcing that County Road 250E from State Road 46 to Southern Crossing will be paved.
• the Parkside Elementary School teachers for the parade Saturday, it brought tears to the eyes of one old goat.
• All Christians who are praying for the haters.
• Dr. Michael Hofterholm on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” saying if a vaccine isn’t created in 16 to 18 months, it will be too late to save people.
• the wonderful business landlords who are not charging rent during the shut down and also to the clubs and gyms that are not charging dues.
• the person who found my van key on North Ninth Street and put it in my mailbox.
Onions to …
• the unstable and unhinged White House genius for his arrogant and belittling attitude and continued failure in solving the pandemic.
• the federal elected official for his continuous failure to effectively direct the coronavirus task force, his misleading comments and doing nothing but blindingly following the president.
• an elected official and business owner displaying racial slurs and other comments in a window and it’s just “light-hearted humor.”
• those who are wound so tight and so politically correct that they no longer differentiate between harmless humor and racial insults.
• those who refuse to tell the emperor he has no clothes.
• anyone thinking it’s a good idea to put COVID-19 patients in an end-of-life facility.
• the letter writer suggesting giving a candidate two hours a day on TV — the candidate can’t put a sentence together, how would he fill two hours?
• the self-checkout shopper talking loudly on her phone without a face mask — I would rather not hear your amplified conversation or get splattered with your germs.
• the local so-called “pastor” for going around town causing trouble.
• those who wonder if they should drink bleach and are still allowed to vote.
• judgemental Christians who look for something to publicly shame people about instead of having a sense of humor.
• the federal leader who seems not to realize that some of his followers take his advice literally, no matter how outrageous.
• those twisting the words of the federal elected official — there’s a difference between “looking into something” and suggesting it’s OK to ingest/inject disinfectant.
• those blaming the federal elected official for not being stocked and prepared for the pandemic, previous office holders should have taken care of that years ago.
• the letter writer who doesn’t realize the other presidential candidate probably can’t talk for two hours a day — at least not without a nap.
• the only store in town that doesn’t limit the number of people inside because they are too afraid to tell rich people to wait their turn.
• those who keep calling the federal elected official a “stable genius,” because he is neither stable, nor a genius.
• people who forget my rights do not end where your fear begins.
• the federal elected official who can now add sarcasm to the long list of things he knows absolutely nothing about.
• the onion writer who thinks that because one doesn’t show symptoms, it negates the need to wear protective gear when shopping.
• all government officials talking about opening back up while positive cases are increasing, testing is inadequate and no contact tracing is being conducted.
• those who are ignoring the one-way traffic aisle signs on the big box store floor.
• letter writers whose obvious bias prevents them from seeing the great work being done for this country.
• the federal elected official for removing the top vaccine expert, a move that will hurt all Americans.
• the bike riders who think they should use the walking trail.
• those who aren’t aware while we have less than 5% of the world’s population, we now have about 25% of the COVID-19 deaths.
• the stable genius who came up with injecting disinfectants.
• the official for lying about the China travel ban.
• the writer who complained the federal candidate can’t finish a sentence, yet when the federal elected official utters a sentence, it’s usually a lie.
• the federal elected official who thinks he knows better than pandemic experts and is prescribing dangerous and deadly treatments with no foundation in science or reality.
• the frustrated letter writer — the federal elected official and his staff are doing a commendable job considering no administration in the last 100 years has faced a pandemic.
• the rude individual who delivered my package to the wrong address and never apologized when confronted.
• the golf course that won’t put out carts.
• the individual who said the federal elected official was the greatest person who ever lived.
• the federal elected officials for not helping the states get the needed coronavirus testing kits nor swabs.
• the federal elected official whose so-called cure for the coronavirus indicates a mental disorder and to his aides for not removing him from the stage because of the extremely dangerous suggestion.
• the two top federal elected officials saying there are enough COVID-19 tests to begin the first stage of reopening the country while there are documented shortages nationwide.
• the executive who does nothing to help her employees out.
• the federal elected official and his team for being neglectful and refusing to act when told repeatedly from December through February about the pandemic and continuing to deny it until it was too late to contain it.
• golf courses not having carts.
• the restaurant with issues serving their customers, requiring payment and then customers leaving the area — we can sit in our vehicle and pull into an empty space away from the nearest vehicle with the windows up.
Happy Birthday to …
• Nicholas Wheeler from your family and Donna.
• Gail Ross Bova on No. 90, from Bee Earlyed and Amos Harris.
• Ronald Schaub, love Sara.
• Linda Booher on No. 80, love her family.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Russ and Ellen Wilson on No. 74, from family and friends.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning