Orchids to …
• Jean, an Insta-Cart employee for her over and above delivery of bananas to the Scroggins on Saturday.
• Rachel Yancer and her team at Prestige Printing for the wonderful, positive quotes (signs) in downtown Columbus.
• the Class of 1970 for 50 years, from John Tinkey.
• the person who compared refusing to wear a mask to protect others to surgeons, nurses, dentists, etc. not wearing them to protect their patients.
• the Columbus police officer in an SUV in front of our car who paid for our coffee at the drive thru, thanks for your service.
• “Just Friends,” an Adult Day Service helping to combat social isolation and loneliness during the pandemic.
• the mayor, police chief, and Human Rights Commission on their statements to the public regarding the senseless murder of George Floyd.
• everyone who voted for the BCSC referendum — in spite of the uncertain times we’re living in, future generations of students will benefit from great teachers and a supportive community.
• Jon Rohde on your big win, your hard work and dedication paid off, I am so proud of you, from Donna White.
• the young family who stopped to help me when I took a spill on my bike in Riverview Acres, from Linda.
• the owner of The Brick in Jonesville who is helping to care for the neighborhood kids with free food.
• the president who is not intimidated by those that riot and destroy, thank you for making decisions for safety of citizens.
• Janice Montgomery and Mandy Keele for your hard work helping the referendum pass, from thankful educators.
• all those who supported the referendum, we are truly grateful for your vote and continued support! — from thankful educators.
• the young man at Dollar General on 25th and Taylor for paying for my groceries, from Marian.
• the governors who are saying they will not allow the federal elected official to send in military to their states to brutalize citizens.
• the Columbus officer and police department for responding quickly and being very helpful, from Betty.
• Dr. Jack Chaille and his kind and caring staff at Best Friends Animal Clinic for helping me with Sofie.
• the 73% of Americans who support the protests.
• the recent fact check that shows that none of the rioting and looting is being done by peaceful protestors.
• the doctor on TV saying droplets when a person speaks travels 6 feet, when a person coughs it is 12 feet, and when sneezing the droplets travel 18 feet; wearing a mask it stops almost all of that transmission and protects others.
• a lady in a white SUV in the McDonald’s drive thru who paid for my order, which tells me that there are still some good people in this world.
Onions to …
• police threatening to get a warrant and arrest everyone in the house because of a smell when there are people who use legal hemp flower purchased at a tobacco store for PTSD and endometriosis.
• the person walking around barefoot in the big box store.
• the federal elected official going to a church and a shrine just to use a them as a background for his photo op.
• local leaders who have pronounced conviction on the Minnesota police officer before a trial, what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
• those who want to be judge, jury and executioner ignoring equal rights and a trial before conviction.
• U.S. troops in our streets.
• people who voted to raise our property taxes.
• uninformed voters who don’t bother to research new candidates with fresh ideas, and continue to vote for incumbents.
• the federal elected official who didn’t have a flag to wrap himself in, so instead used a Bible held upside down for his photo op.
• protesters who don’t know why or what they are protesting.
• the looters for being too lazy to work and doing their Christmas shopping at the expense of those who do contribute to society.
• the political party given the right to place candidates on ballots in taxpayer-funded primary and general elections but chooses not to do so.
• the individual who defies the Constitution and continues to divide and degrade our country on a daily basis.
• the federal elected official whose twisted idea of “strength” is to “dominate” peaceful protesters who were exercising their First Amendment right of free speech by using tear gas on them.
• to myself for forgetting to give the glasses that went with the doll I sold last year on June 17 at our yard sale on Yellowwood Drive.
• those who foolishly believe that a political party indoctrinates anyone to riot and loot.
• federal elected official for not standing up for the First Amendment.
• the people who are racists.
• the federal elected official using the men and women of the military as props.
• the federal elected official for allowing tear gassing, pepper spraying, and shooting rubber bullets at peacefully protesting American citizens.
• the political party that is putting up with the federal elected official’s extraordinarily frightening display of power, combined with sheer stupidity, and saying they need to do that for the sake of their constituents.
• those who say the federal elected official’s brutality of the protestors is his low point, because he has no low point.
• the truck driver who ignored the stop sign on Wednesday morning.
• anyone who doesn’t notice which political party is aligning itself with the looters and rioters.
• anyone who believes the many media reports that these riots are mostly peaceful.
• a few in the federal elected official’s political party saying tear gas was not used on the peaceful protestors, thinking their constituents are not intelligent enough to turn on the TV and watch the video for themselves.
• those who listen to only rumors and untruths, and do not check the facts for themselves, to find out that the peaceful protestors are doing none of the looting and rioting.
• anyone who thinks peaceful protestors are destroying any property.
• the federal elected official saying he is an ally to the peaceful protestors while those peaceful protestors were being tear gassed and flash bombed at the same time.
• the politicians who don’t care about the rule of law and won’t enforce the laws.
Happy Birthday to …
• Brian Banister, from your family and Donna.
• Wanda Jaggers, from your family and Donna.
• Judy Wood, from Sandy and Lily.
• Irma Ramsey, from Margie.
• Mark Hartwell, from Debbie.
• Gary Morrow, love Mary, Michael, and Daniel.
• Mollie Clark, from Dad, Ginger, Natalie, Reid, Frank, Taylor, and Scotty.
Happy Anniversary to …
• Woody and Mary Beth Wood, from your family, Mary Beth, Shirley and Donna.
• Marvin and Ruth Maymard on no. 65.
• Happy Belated Anniversary to…
• Bob and Mary Foster on No. 37, from Bob and Charlotte.
• ANOTHER beautiful morning