The documentary “Uncivil War” doesn’t tell a pretty story.
It focuses on all the ways politicians and other unscrupulous political players work to repress and distort the will of the people. It explores the ugly worlds of gerrymandering, voter suppression and other bits of electoral skullduggery.
The documentary pays particular attention to three states – Maryland, Mississippi and…Indiana.
That our state is part of this dubious discussion should not be a surprise.
Indiana is one of the most gerrymandered states in the nation. It also has one of the most restrictive voter I.D. laws in America.
This determined campaign to discourage people from voting – or from thinking that voting even matters – has had an effect.
As the documentary points out, in one recent election year when all 100 seats in the Indiana House of Representatives were up, only 56 of the races were contested. The other 44 had only one major-party candidate listed on the ballot – which meant that the voters didn’t have a choice.
The voters’ apathy revealed as much.
Most years, Indiana voter turnout is among the worst in the nation. Some years, it is the worst in the nation.
One year, the documentary reveals, Hoosier voter turnout was below that of Puerto Rico, putting us 51st in America.
Those numbers are bad, but they don’t tell the whole story.
They don’t show what this wholesale disregard of voters’ worth and intentions does to the process of self-government.
It isn’t a coincidence that the years when Indiana has emerged as one of the most voter-hostile states were also Hoosier state government also became among the most dysfunctional in the nation.
The reason for that is obvious.
Gerrymandering rewards the candidates who are the most partisan and the most ideologically rigid. They are the least likely to be open to others’ ideas or to show consideration for values and interests that are not their own.
At its heart, government in a free society is supposed to be a mechanism for resolving differences and balancing interests.
But, when we elect people who have neither the skill nor any desire to accommodate varying points of view, then we see a government that doesn’t work.
That certainly has been the case here in Indiana in the past decade.
Time and again, we have seen state lawmakers split the state over issues that had little or no impact on the lives of most Hoosiers – often for reasons that made no sense at all.
Perhaps the most egregious example was the nonsensical fight over amending the Indiana constitution to ban same-sex unions.
Our leaders charged ahead with that ill-considered notion even though the U.S. Supreme Court was indicating at the time that it soon would rule on the constitutionality of banning gay marriages.
Either way the court went on the question, it would have made Indiana’s fight pointless.
If the Supreme Court had ruled that state bans on same-sex unions were constitutional, then Indiana’s existing law prohibiting marriages between people of the same gender would have stood and no constitutional amendment would have been necessary.
And, should the Supreme Court decide – as it did – that gay marriage should be legal and constitutionally protected, then nothing the Indiana state government said or did was going to make any difference.
That reality didn’t give our leaders any pause at all.
Instead, they set Hoosiers at each other’s throats. They did so not just because they have no idea how to broker deals and resolve differences – but because they prefer fights to solutions.
This is not a partisan indictment.
As the documentary makes clear, Democrats in Maryland have done in their state what Republicans have done in Indiana.
That’s the moral to this story – one that fire-breathing partisans on either side of the divide always miss.
No political party should be entrusted with unchecked authority. Both Republicans and Democrats will abuse their powers if they’re given half a chance to do so.
Our state and our nation face many challenges.
We’re not going to be able to meet them unless we bring the power back where it belongs.
With the people.
John Krull is director of Franklin College’s Pulliam School of Journalism and publisher of, a news website powered by Franklin College journalism students.